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What Is So Great About Instant Pot?

You'll be forgiven if the first impression you get after hearing the words "instant pot" is about recreational cannabis, as supposed to something you use in the kitchen. So, if you thought you'd be getting an article about how cannabis is grown and harvested almost instantly, you are in the wrong place. Instead, instant pot really is something you can utilize in the kitchen for a variety of reasons. And if you finally want to get some clarity on why everyone is talking about instant pot, this article might prove to be useful.

What Is Instant Pot?

Basically, an instant pot aims to combine a number of kitchen cooking equipment. So if you love your pressure cooker, your rice cooker, your steamer and warming pot, and even your saucepan, the instant pot puts all of these goodies in one place. Of course, not everyone is going to love the way the instant pot gets things done, but it has gathered a huge following - and with good reason.

In fact, here are some of those reasons...

What's So Great About It?

- Prep Meals In Advance

Certain meals might require some prepping. For instance, cooking something specific only halfway on a slow timer before finishing it with the rest of the meal. If there is a dish that requires you to go through this process, definitely consider an instant pot. Given that you have total control over the speed, it makes precooking so much easier.

- Cook Straight From The Freezer

It happens to the best of us. Forgetting to take the food out of the freezer the night before can be frustrating, to say the least. However, if you have an instant pot, you can cook straight from the freezer and still have the food ready in time.

- Great For Soups And Sauces

When you have so much control in regards to how quickly food should be cooked, then just imagine the soups and sauces you can come up with. And the longer they simmer, the more flavor they have. And an instant pot could just be what you are looking for if sauce or soup is a passion.

- Saves A Lot Of Space

Now that you don't need all the individual tools to cook, consider the space you are going to save. Because with one instant pot you can do a million things, and it doesn't even take up a lot of room.

- It Doesn't Require Your Supervision

Lastly, how great is it that you don't need to keep an eye on the food the whole time? If you are a busy parent with small kids running around, an instant pot can make life so much more convenient. Because now you get to keep an eye on your kids, while you don't have to worry about anything burning in the kitchen.

As mentioned earlier, not everyone will fall in love with the instant pot. But there are many individuals who are going to consider it their new best friend when cooking is concerned.